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Russian Orthodox Hymnody
Russian Orthodox Hymnody
Monophonic hymnody of Early Russia
Introduction of Byzantine liturgical hymnody to Russia
Formation of Early Russian hymnodical traditions
Byzantine hymnody in Russia. Periods of development
Ancient types of notation. Neum and kryuk notation
Znamenny chant
Putevoy, Demestvenny and Great Znamenny Chants
Greek, Bulgarian and Kievan chants
Town and cloister chants
Singers and singing groups of Early Russia
Evolution of notation
Polyphonic hymnody
Strochny singing
Part singing
Development of Russian part singing
Russian sacred music of the XVIIIth century
The epoch of Peter the Great
Ways of the development of Russian sacred music in the post Peter the Great epoch (1730 -1760)
Russian sacred music of the last third of the XVIIIth century
The XIXth century. Ancient hymnodical tradition in the light of classical russian musical school
Back to basics
The Formation and Development of leading singing schools in Moscow and St.Petersburg
Cloister chants
The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saint John Chrysostom
The Great Ektenia
The Refrains of the First Antiphon
The Little Ektenia I
The Refrains of the Second Antiphon
The Little Ektenia II
The Refrains of the Third Antiphon
The Little Entrance
The Prayer of the Little Entrance
The Entrance Hymn
The Trisagion Hymn
The Prayer of the Trisagion
The Apostle
The Prayer before Gospel
The Gospel
The Ektenia of Fervent Supplication
The Prayer of the Ektenia of Fervent Supplication
The Prayer for the Catechumens
The First Prayer for the Faithful
The Second Prayer of the Faithful
The Cherubimic Hymn
The Prayer of the Cherubimic Hymn
The Ektenia of the Prothesis
The Prayer of the Prothesis
The Creed
The Anaphora
The Ektenia before the Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
The Elevation
The Communion Hymn
The Communion
The Ektenia of Thanksgiving
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Prayer behind the Ambon
The Dismissal
Thanksgiving after the Holy Communion
Prayer of St.Simeon
Apolitikion of St.John Chrysostom
Kontakion of St.John Chrysostom
Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple
Nativity of the Lord
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
Pascha (Easter)
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